Scope & Policy
Aim & Scope:
The Journal aims to provide quarterly basis (2024 onwards) a highly readable and valuable addition to the literature in the field of Social Sciences under scope of (Archeology, Anthropology, Archival Studies, Economics, Econometrics, Disaster Economics, Political Science, Public Administration, Defense and Strategic studies, International Relations, Psychology including clinical, Industrial, and Developmental Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology, Iqbal Studies/Iqbaliyat, Rural Development Studies, Social Work, Criminology, Library and Information Sciences, History, Demography and Population Studies, Ethnography, Conservation Studies, Religious Studies / Comparative Religion, Islamic Studies / Arabic Studies, Education, Special Education, Law and Legislature, Home Economics, Pakistan Studies, Peace & Conflict Studies, Behavioral Sciences, Women and Gender Studies, American /studies, Area Studies, Development Studies, Journalism, Mass Communication, Media Studies, Rural / Urban Studies, Women Studie) which will serve as an essential reference in future. We aim to provide a muti disciplinary Journal for years to come that will cover all disciplines of Science. We also intend to furnish a platform to the scientific community of all over the world.
It is a Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal, published one issue in first volume, two issues in second volume and now publishing quarterly basis in the months of March, June, September and December. Our focus is to produce best out of best article / papers according to the policies of Board Members. In peer review if reviewers found any obscene, defamatory, abusive, fraudulent, plagiarised (as per HEC's plagiarism policy i.e, <19%), conflict or disputed, the article will not be published in the journal and if both reviewers give different opinion the matter is discussed with the Chief Editor and finally forwarded to a third reviewer as nominated by him and decide with majority's opinion.